After serving 8 years as Montana’s elected Attorney General, General Fox joined Morgan & Morgan’s complex litigation unit to focus on supporting the Nation’s state, territorial, and District of Columbia attorneys general, tribal governments, and other government clients, on complicated litigation matters in areas of the law such as the tobacco master settlement agreement, product liability, consumer protection, environmental contamination, natural resource damage, data privacy/cyber security, consumer fraud, and pharmaceuticals, to name a few.
General Fox served 7 ½ years on the Executive Committee of the National Association of Attorneys General and was the Association’s President in 2020. He received the prestigious Kelley-Wyman Outstanding Attorney General Award from his attorney general colleagues in December 2020 in recognition for his contributions to the bi-partisan mission of the Association, and his advancement of the collaborative work of attorneys general.
During his tenure as Montana Attorney General, General Fox was instrumental in helping lead state and national investigations and litigation against tobacco companies, pharmaceutical companies including opioid manufacturers, pharmaceutical distributors, automobile manufacturers, medical device manufacturers, telecommunications companies, big tech companies, and other corporate giants who defrauded and harmed Americans. General Fox’s Office of Consumer Protection recovered record settlements for Montanans and helped to secure lasting prospective consent decree orders preventing large corporations from preying on Montanans in the future.
General Fox’s broad law practice over the past 34+ years includes consultation and litigation in areas of environmental, insurance defense, product liability, real estate, regulatory, banking and financial services, complex secured transactions, commercial, bankruptcy, construction, mining, oil and gas, and personal injury law.
General Fox is an adopted member of the Apsáalooke, or Crow, Tribe, and his Apsáalooke name is “Spiritual Runner.” He serves as the American Legion, Department of Montana, Judge Advocate, and volunteers with the U.S. Department of Defense program Employer Support for the Guard and Reserve (ESGR). General Fox is an active supporter of the Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) for Special Olympics and was the first state attorney general to serve on the executive council of LETR International. General Fox and his wife Karen live in Montana City, Montana, and they have four children and seven grandchildren.